Before I had a regular yoga practice I dealt with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, subluxating joints, IBS and chronic stress. It has many times over mended my heart and helped me mend others. It has helped me speak clearly and with ease in the most difficult of situations and allowed kindness instead of hate fill up my heart. It has given me hope.
I was practicing yoga as the death toll of the CT school shooting was being tallied yesterday. I had no idea at the time that as I flowed through asana, pranayama and meditation a terrible tragedy was amongst us. My intuition at the beginning of practice was to dedicate with a mantra of daan shanti, meaning to give peace. I wanted to have the strength to send that into the world. I heard the news soon after I stepped off my mat and what horrific news it was. I know in such tragedy you will never recover without hope. To that I dearly hope the survivors are given the time and tools that yoga has given me to recover from horrific happenings. May they find, peace, hope and healing.
Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi
Om Sahanaa Vavatu Sahanau
Saha Veeryam Karavaavahai
Tejasvi Naavadheetamastu Maa Vidvishaavahai
Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
Meaning: The literal meaning of
this mantra is: "OM. Let all of us protect each other together, may
all of us enjoy together, may all of us work together and let our study
become radiant. Let there be no hatred between us, OM Peace, Peace,