Friday, February 1, 2013

Yoga for climbers?

Yoga for climbers

The relationship of yoga and climbing is very symbiotic in that they both develop a level of awareness in the body developing breath and mental control as well as enhancing physical performance

Being mindful and present while in yoga and climbing enables dramatic focus on our body specific movements. Things like muscle and breath fatigue, shaking and tension are controlled through the breath and body connection enabling you to maintain a particular posture or technique.

Breath control replenishes muscles with oxygen to recover. Learning to control the breath in precarious body positioning calms the mind, prevents muscle fatigue and enables you to problem solve more effectively.

Mental clarity happens through that balance in breath, mind and body. The breath keeps you relaxed to focus on the present allowing you to face fears and expand physical limitations.

Physically required for both yoga and climbing is core girdle strength, static movement and muscle tension control. Developing these areas while linking breath with movement creates fluid muscle control and clears the mind.

Yoga almost perfectly complements the demands we exact on our bodies as climbers. Common complaints from climbers are tight hips, hamstrings and shoulders which are all relieved and improved with a typical yoga session.

Here is a quick list of the effectiveness of adding yoga to your climbing routine-
Greater flexibility
Increased focus in mind and body
Increased lung capacity
Faster recovery from injury
Enhanced ability to distribute weight on the frame

Strengthen some necessary muscles and help get the creaks out of some of the most overused ones while gaining new found focus on and off the rock! Come YOGA!

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